How have your intimate relationships been working for you?
Would you like something more, something better, something more honest, more stable, and loving. Here is your opportunity see what you have been doing that does not work and be inspired and educated to see what does.
We have embarked on a time when more is possible quicker, from intense attraction to painful breakups it’s all here, now!
First let’s define a conscious relationship. We could replace conscious with, meaningful, real, aware, or seeking a deeper truth within ourselves based on the interactions with our partner. The fundamentals of a real relationship include, There are as many levels of consciousness as there are relationships. We can all use help understanding and relating with our partner. Below are some of the processes and exercises I use with my clients wanting to improve their relating and relationship.
When working with couples these are the areas we cover to help a struggling relationship. New relationships rarely seek help, after big hurts they generally move on, pointing fingers, often the middle one. The main difference is if you have been together awhile or have major unresolved stuff many cannot start with a “clean slate” some clean-up work may need to be done, in order to move forward with awareness.
If you are single looking for a partner or just beginning a new romance start at number 1. If you are currently in a marriage or relationship, you can skip ahead to Number 3. We would encourage you to get some help for some resolution, or contact us for a Couples Consultation. Everyone has regrets or makes mistakes how we deal with our fears and lessons determines how we will move forward.
These are the areas to cover to begin more consciously relating:
1) My Relationship Dynamic
Go to your most significant intimate relationship, this may or may not be your present one: ask yourself these questions.
How did I contribute the demise, this relationship? What was my part? In answering this question use only “I” statements.
What did you learn and what new behaviors could you practice to not repeat that mistake?
Spend a few days or longer write down your answers, save this for later.
2) Attraction
The energies bringing you together are the very energies that can tear you apart. What are they? There are multiple modalities that cover these bases some very general others deep and one profound. Listed in order of significance, (of course we are biased):
• Behavioral Iridology
• Astrology Western and Vedic
• Human Design
• Numerology
I have used all these systems and worked with several astrologists. Truth is truth evidenced by the “overlap” and similar themes these modalities interpret from you and your partner. I am big fan of Robert Lee Camp’s work with the cards of destiny, (based in astrology), and his book, Love Cards. Here is a link to his relationship report. Please don’t be offended I have not mentioned all the other personal evaluation systems, Mayan, Chinese and so on, they all stand in their own rite.
Take time to discuss with your partner what these insights reveal, some are easy and very beneficial others pose a potential and likelihood of challenges to come. We will address that in the Agreements Section.
3) Why do you want this relationship:
Take Relationships Inventory
4) Agreements
Below are some links to samples of areas to cover to ground your agreements. There are no rules or shoulds. Every couples dynamic is unique to them, this is about what you want what works and what we are willing to do when it doesn’t.
Links to new conscious relationship agreements
Links to fundamentals and agreements of a conscious relationship
Links to conscious couples agreements
5) Our Future
A marriage is a being unto itself. It is the sum total of what you and your partner are putting into it. You get out what you put in at least 3x’s or more.
What do you want to create together?
What are you willing to do to support its success?
For further study or participation these products and services will greatly assist you.
Link to Self love and Intimacy
Relationship’s booklet (coming soon)
Couples consultation