Many in the academic community have asked for the science behind Behavioral Iridology.
Dr. Matts Larsen Ph.D. lead a team of researchers from 2004-2006 resulting in three published scientific articles seeking creditability to the idea of reading personality from the eyes, with one study comparing twins and personality traits. Click on the links below to view these studies:
Study 2: Importance of Genetic Effects for Characteristics of the Human Iris
Study 3: Associations between iris characteristics and personality in adulthood
Behavioral Iridology is always seeking to ground itself into mainstream society. We are pleased to announce our alliance with As a non-profit all your donations are tax deductible.
We are pleased to announce an alliance we have created with long term friend, client and colleague, Mark Illian and his non-profit: Mark and his wife Monica have been traveling to third world villages teaching sanitation and water purification. Mark is a brilliant scientist and at the same time spiritual leader in native American traditions, where he leads multi-day life-changing journey’s.
The research on our front burner consists of photographing the eyes of married couples for the first ever double blind (no pun intended) study proving the hypostasis that opposites attract for marriages and those patterns can be recorded and seen in the iris of the eye. We would love your support to fund this most modest endeavor. Click here for Research Synopsis.