Behavioral iridology is a comprehensive system mapping the journey your soul has chosen this incarnation. This is a journey of evolution. An experiment if you will, for Source and Creation to evolve itself in physical form. Using form as a means to see itself, the unseen is seen. Form is the densest aspect of creation allowing Source, the opportunity to see, taste, touch, smell and feel, itself clearly and distinctly.
Before incarnation the soul chooses its learning. Similar to signing up for classes in college. It then chooses a family, religion, class, place to be physically born geographically, and anything else necessary to best facilitate the journey. There are numerous maps and systems evaluating a human being and psyche. The more clearly an individual can see their make-up, lessons, and areas to focus on this lifetime the greater the chances for ultimate success.
Behavioral Iridology is unique in that it combines our iris patterns, and family history to tell the story of your life. BI identifies things like communication styles, relationship attraction, personality qualities behaviorally. It also addresses areas of strength or weakness in your physical body based on your family lineage and where it hurts today. Our model also reveals how someone is likely to behave under stress or work when conditions are favorable and auspicious.
Using this precise system of evaluation specific attributes and qualities you inherited from your family tree are in direct relationship to the journey your soul is chosen. By bringing this information forward in clear and concise ways an individual is empowered to make better choices and decisions about how they want to navigate themselves on the journey of life. Understanding your specific make up and lessons point you to where to focus your time and energy and effort to bring more wholeness, health, well-being and happiness into your life. This allows your inner parts, male, female are to integrate with each other using your body as container and your love as the agent of transformation. One of the fastest ways of evolving the soul is being in an intimate relationship. Intimate relationships are very powerful, because the secret of attraction is two-fold. Your partner being your opposite has innate qualities you are seeking to integrate for greater wholeness. They represent the lessons you signed up to learn but from a different perspective. Our opposite polarities expose the similarities of our pain. The love shared between the couple is the energy to heal this pain. Much of what gets exposed in our intimate relationships are our childhood wounds. It’s important to recognize that these wounds did not begin in our childhood. They did not begin even in our family trees. They are accessed through the journey of our soul.
Our soul is here to grow and learn, and our body will show us how we are doing. We are constantly learning, through personal experience, what supports us in our life and what deteriorates our health and relationships. Its time to question some of our beliefs and decisions that feed bad behaviors and outcomes. When the same painful thoughts and patterns habitually repeat themselves, it may be time for change, but generally only when the pain is unbearable.
The key to making changes at this deep level in our psyche is the first take ownership of how we have created our present experience. Based on the unified field everything is in relationship to everything else. Each of us play a role in what we experience. We are all co-creators in our lives victories and dramas. By taking ownership of our part in the creation we take charge of how to resolve it. The fact we were part of the creation allows us the opportunity change course and direction for a better outcome.
An example:
A man in his 50s, who has been successful in other careers has finally devoted himself to creating the business of his dreams and following the passion in his heart. Each time over the course of 25 years that he dedicates his life to this passionate business. He cannot make enough money. Only by doing other work which he doesn’t want to do just to make money. He must do so to survive. He goes to a past life, where he was born into a wealthy family. He watched his parents continually judge others and turned away the needy, that we’re asking for help. He got so disgusted with his parents that he left home at the age of 16 going into a monastery to find his deeper truth. While in the monastery, he vowed to never be like his parents and have money but to live a spiritual life, and devote himself to others. So this lifetime when he found his passion, which was his spiritual life. He could not have any money. In order to heal the judgment that he had around his mother and father for treating the poor the way they did he have to find the rich, arrogant, obnoxious person that snub their nose at others. To find his greedy self, and make friends with it. By accessing his own greedy slimy slithery place he could then accept and find a way to embrace these parts of himself. Loving these aspects of a shadow would allow him to no longer be controlled by them because they were his friend. In doing so he took his business from barely surviving to thriving.
Behavioral Iridology teaches the key to our happiness is self-love. Starting with self, not judging yourself for what you feel or I think, but to see them as aspects of God showing themselves to me. We are in this together. Our emotional pain results from and unwillingness to consciously feel our feelings. Combined with a good diet exercise and rest stepping into the level of your power is more dynamic and graceful.