Quite clearly one of the most potent uses a behavioral iridology is for couples who want to improve their relating and relationship. Understanding personality types behind Iris patterns gives us great insights into the dynamics when two people are attracted in relationship. Our iris patterns reveal the strengths that couple will enjoy and the challenges they are likely to face. Not only will you understand your relationship dynamic and a new level we offer structures tools and strategies and exercises to support the process.
In reality the tools and exercises are the same knowing Iris patterns allows us to deliver the message in your language not ours multiple approaches to learning allows us to find the sweet spot you will resonate with, and best supports your safety and opening.
Listed below are the factors we consider most important to improving the quality of your relationship.
Honesty: the willingness to be vulnerable with yourself, to face yourself your own fears knowing that you can be supported to a breakthrough. We have many processes for going deeper into yourself finding a deeper truth, time and time again.
Claiming Yourself: the result of finding a deeper truth is realizing your deeper need. Deeper needs a very simple there not a new car or winning the lottery they have to do with what makes us feel safe inside belonging and loved.
Communication: taking what we gain from the first two levels and putting our thoughts feelings in words out in a loving way that creates rapport by honoring our self and each other.
Simply Put…
Honesty Is Your Inner Truth
Claiming Yourself Is Realizing Your Truth
Communication Is Speaking Your Truth Lovingly
Note: you aspects of the human psyche are cut and dried. There are many layers and levels to feelings. This is an evolutionary process nothing is fixed or done but learning and growing. So wherever you are in your present relationship or seeking one listed below are the levels and layers of how we approach conscious intimacy.