BrT3 Brown T3 Driven ThinkerBrown T3 Driven Thinker

BrT 3 Brown T3 Driven Thinker

Personality Type – Qualities Attributes

This is the Thinking Type on steroids. They want to push the limits of society, becoming CEO or leaders in their chosen fields. With a large library and vast knowledge they see the big picture, choosing leadership, many times as visionaries. The intense part of you is represented in your eyes by having numerous Psora with numerous Lacunae. Whatever the case they get bored easily until they find their passion; then look out! With clarity and precision their project or endeavor takes shape. They are relentless in nature, never giving up.

When Stressed/Imbalanced

They can become reckless, arrogant, righteous , know-it-all’s. They can be bossy and pushy and feel like they are above the stupid idiots of everyday society. When they are trying- to prove something they may take irrational risks losing it all only to give it another go. When success is not a part of their lives they usually had a difficult relationship with their fathers, If none of this seems to be accurate, the most likely scenario is they feel victimized like it’s not their fault others made their life this way.


Many times caught up in their own world they can become insensitive to how their actions and what they do are affecting others. In order to be sensitive to others without giving your power away is to first be sensitive to yourself. So much for being on a mission it is time for some self-inventory and as you become sensitive to yourself you will have greater awareness of how your actions are affecting your environment. Slow down, go inside especially when going right brain. The common movements, meditation, and introspection are great tools for exploration.
Empowered State
This type has charisma, at all its levels. When empowered they are extremely relaxed. Not high strung needing to prove or make something happen but content with the process of win/win and its natural or organic unfoldment. They become synergistic creators. No controls, expectations but creating for the good of themselves and everyone one else and as a group.